Sri Lanka and many other poor peripheral countries are  in serious debt distress; it is regularly argued that they are in a 'debt trap' caused by taking loans from China to such an extent that they cannot repay them and then China insists on taking over the country's assets to meet the bill.

In case of SRI LANKA, it was just the addition of Chinese Debt  that derailed the otherwise fragile economy.  

We will look this in details:-


The Chinese Chow-Min for Economic Disaster:

The China have developed the perfect formula, and combination for trapping  poor nations with GREEDY, & CORRUPT LEADERS  into a spiral of debts from which the COUNTRY would never recover. It is the cornerstone of China’s (now infamous) Debt Trap Diplomacy. To apply this, China identifies:

1.      A small nation,

2.      Corrupt Ruling Elite or  ruled by Dynasties,

3.      Undercurrents exists for Political instability,

4.      A prolonged background of  Economic Mismanagement---OR,  LOOTING.


There are quite a few around us.

All of these factors fitted in with a sinister precision in the case of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is a small island nation with a population of roughly 22 million. And was with Undercurrents of Political Instability.

Sri Lanka's Buddhist monks have combined Buddhism with militancy to create a deadly cocktail of political power that no ruling party can ignore. It had become a proven fact that without the political support & blessings of these extremist monks, it is impossible to form a government in Sri Lanka.

The hatred of native Sinhalese against the ethnic Tamils in Sri Lanka has proven to be an ideal breeding ground for this breed of militant Buddhism to sprout and flourish.

The Ruling family of Sri Lanka, the Rakpaksas were known to regularly seek the blessings of the Buddhist monks as an “assurance” to political survival and longevity.

Too long it has been ruled by a CORRUPT  political dynasty of the Rajapaksas.

THE BAIT IS--A bag of Chinese Infrastructure Loans @ 6% or more… the cherry to top it off. VOILA—the Island Ruler is HOOKED!


Economic Mismanagement:

A lot has already been written on the "visionless" economics practiced by the ruling Rajapaksas. I will refrain from repeating those details, available in the internet..

Chinese Loans and Sri Lanka’s Entrapment:

At the Munich Security Conference in February, 2022, the Bangladeshi Foreign Minister A. K. Abdul Momen asked a very pointed question to Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar   who was on stage during a Q&A session. It was about whether to accept loans from China when they are so readily offered.

Mr. Jaishankar cautioned his Bangladeshi counterpart in a diplomatic manner.

Many LEFT LIBERAL writers on social media and print media have gone at lengths to explain why the Chinese had no hand in Sri Lanka's downfall. Every communist regime needs an army of useful idiots to build the narrative and run misinformation.

 Chinese government and their "wumao" crowd are no exceptions.

But, the questions that keep cropping up are - Why is it that small nations that have powerful and corrupt ruling classes, bite the bait of Chinese loans and then run their economies into a financial quagmire from which any redemption seems impossible? From Africa to Asia, there is a clearly identifiable pattern of economic collapse with small nations wherever the Chinese have lent money, primarily because the money was lent at such high interest rates, mostly for a non-viable project, which could not be paid back.

The Rajapaksas invited the Chinese to build a port in Hambantota and an airport at Mattila. The Sri Lankans borrowed heavily from the Chinese at an exorbitant interest rate of 6.5%. As with all Chinese loans there was a confidentiality clause that Sri Lanka could never divulge interest rate details and other stipulations of the loans to any 3rd party. Zero percent transparency is a hallmark of all Chinese loans, as is also the case with the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It is only now when the Sri Lankan ship is sinking that the figure of 6.5% interest rate on Chinese loans is coming out into the open.

According to Sri Lankan investigative journalists, the Rajapaksas pocketed a 10% to 20% cut from these deals in the form of kickbacks and the Chinese were more than happy to grease the palms that begged greasing. They have done the same to the military generals and the political elites in Pakistan under the garb of CPEC.

Finally, when the projects were completed it was found to be completely unviable from  business perspective. Not a ship came to Hambantota nor any plane landed at Mattila.


Because India did not have information to foresee the collapse of the Sri Lankan economy and warn them in time.

Because India did not extend the cushy infrastructure loans for building EMPTY PORTS AND EMPTY AIRPORTS IN SRI LANKA which China did so readily.

Because India did not “wine and dine” the ruling Rajapaksas”, the way China did.

India just did not play up to the Lankans the role that “Rajapaksas” wanted, and  China did.

Blame it on India! A PET GAME !!

Who can bail out Sri Lanka now and what’s needed?

According to a think tank in Singapore, Sri Lanka needs an emergency bailout package of $22 billion to survive and crawl out of the hole it has dug itself into. The same think tank goes on to say that there are currently, only 3 entities globally that have the required

  1. financial capacity,
  2. economic expertise and
  3. experience of working with Sri Lanka

to help the island nation emerge from its current state of bankruptcy. Those entities (according to the think tank) are ChinaIndia and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

I am surprised how “USA” is not mentioned in the list.

China has so far closed its doors to the mess it has exacerbated in Sri Lanka. The IMF is watching silently from the sidelines. India is the only nation that is doing what it can to keep the Sri Lankan nation afloat. India has even initiated a dialog with the IMF on behalf of Sri Lanka to negotiate a survival package.


INDIA  & RUSSIA is investing in the  operation of AIRPORT.

India has already given a Loan of 500 MMUSD + a credit line of 2 Billion USD to SRI LANKA.

India is also trying IMF to help out SRI LANKA.

Incidentally, Nepal is suffering with another empty Airport built by China—and begging India’s support.


So, what went wrong in the nation that was once termed an island paradise?

As always, when it comes to Chinese involvement there are always 2 versions of the truth - the version that China wants the world to believe and then the real version of the truth.

In recent times, ever since President Xi Jinping has come to power, any tiny nation that has collapsed or gone to a point of no return along the slope of economic downfall has DRAGON HAND, or, let me say—"ECONOMIC HELP”

There are too many repetitions—but GREED & CORRUPTION  by RULING POWERS… and Chinese Checker is continued.


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5.0 Articles Published bin Hindu, and I.E. on the subject.







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