
Showing posts with the label DIPLOMACY
  CHINA’S    S-E   ASIAN GAMBLE SRI LANKA—MALDIVES—BANGLADESH SARASIJ MAJUMDER THE MALDIVIAN DRAMA: India’s External Affairs Minister (EAM) Jaishankar returned Maldives after a successful visit.. This confirms Relations between the island nation and China is now in Cold Storage—at least for the time being. After nine months of ‘India Out’ campaign led by the Maldivian President, Mohamed Muizzu , who was a pro-Beijing Leader, he revised his posture. MUIZZU has to swallow back his Anti- Indian Words, and SPIT OUT BEIJING ! Muizzu’s election victory was built around the ‘India Out’ campaign which sought to remove “88” Indian soldiers positioned in the island nation,   to maintain and operate three reconnaissance vessel, and a   rescue aircraft, all   donated by Delhi years ago. Muizzu tried to correct his aberration during Oath taking ceremony of Indian P.M.—though he was somewhat coldly received. Even then he warmed up to India—knowing that he, and his Island nation is stan
  INDIA’S HUDINI GAME BALANCING CHINA, RUSSIA, AND USA SARASIJ MAJUMDER REVIEW OF THE HISTORY:- In the period of COLD WAR, Shah Of Iran, and Sadam Hussein of Iraq were trying   to modernise their countries. Shah nationalized Iran Oil Company from British Control in 1971. Saddam Hussein followed suit and   decided nationalizing the Iraqi Petroleum Corporation. Living standard of people was rising. Tehran, & Baghdad were looking more like WESTERN CAPITALS. Flyovers constructed.   High rise buildings were coming up. Modern Educational institutions, Hospitals etc. were built.   Indian Doctors, Engineers, Professionals, and skilled workers were getting employed there. New refineries were also being built. And Iran initiated the social reformation, and freeing their women from PURDAH, and HIJAB. Baath Party stated openly that in time a highly centralized government, would evolve   gradually to secular democracy.   West was largely unaware initially—but they soon   noticed
  INDIA’S BOLD   INDIA-CENTRIC POLICY SARASIJ MAJUMDER After independence Mr. Nehru run Indian Government as extension of British Government. Mr. L. Shastri got almost   immediately engaged with a war with Pakistan, met a mysterious end and thus got no time to change it. Mrs. Gandhi was dependent on   Russia, in many matters. During UPA, we were influenced by China—and indirectly controlled by EU + USA.   So, we were never really INDEPENDENT —and somehow our policy was controlled by Western World.   By Western World I mean USA, and it’s associates, excluding AFRO--ASIAN countries. First sign of Independence was shown by ATALJI, when we tested our Nuclear Power. HOWEVER, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEFORE 2014, AND AFTER 2014 IS—INDIA NOW   HAS BECOME INDIA CENTRIC, IN ALL IMPORTANT MATTERS—BE IT EXTERNAL; OR INTERNAL. India can now not be manipulated. Let us see some current decisions of INDIA. 1. India continues to buy oil and arms from Russia amid Russia-Ukraine war. 2
  CHINESE CHECKER, & SRILANKA. THE GAME, AND THE VICTIM   END GAME: AND SURVIVAL NUVE   COLONEALISM BY ECONOMIC TEETH OF DRAGON SARASIJ MAJUMDER Sri Lanka and many other poor peripheral countries are   in serious debt distress; it is regularly argued that they are in a 'debt trap' caused by taking loans from China to such an extent that they cannot repay them and then China insists on taking over the country's assets to meet the bill. In case of SRI LANKA, it was just the addition of Chinese Debt   that derailed the otherwise fragile economy.   We will look this in details:- A.LOOK FOR THE COUNTERY   SUITABLE FOR HUNTING:- The Chinese Chow-Min for Economic Disaster: The China have developed the perfect formula, and combination for trapping   poor nations with GREEDY, & CORRUPT LEADERS   into a spiral of debts from which the COUNTRY would never recover. It is the cornerstone of China’s (now infamous) Debt Trap Diplomacy. To apply this, China identif
  DID QATER BLACKMAILED INDIA?? SARASIJ MAJUMDER ( Engineer—Worked in OFFSHORE OIL & GAS division of EIL ) No sooner than eight Navy veterans released, and landed in INDIA,  the Tooth, and Claws of paid Media is out to attack NDA. They started braying that India has been blackmailed by Qatar. The accusation is that Qatar forced New Delhi to sign an expensive LNG deal through PETRONET, in exchange of the release of our Navy personnel. A   LIE being planted in the mind of common people, and this accusation is   totally mis-representation of fact. But, before discussing the deal, let us discuss a bit about LNG (Liquified Natural gas), and India’s requirement. Technology and Use We mostly cook our meals with PNG(PIPED NATURAL GAS), which is transported through pipelines, after re-gasification of LNG, then either stored in gas cylinders for industrial use, or distributed as piped gas, also for Domestic, Hotels, Hospitals, and Industrial use.. Primary use of NG ( Natural Ga
  PERMANENT SEAT IN UNSC AMMENDMENT IS REQUIRED SARASIJ MAJUMDER ONCE POSSIBLE TO GET RATHER EASILY,   HOW INDIA HAVE LOST IT “…In 2005, “This Day That Age,” a column in The Hindu, featured a reprint of a 1955 story on Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s denial in Parliament of the rumours of a recent offer of a UN Security Council seat by the Soviet Union, showing both the interest in the topic in 1955 and 2005. Despite Nehru’s denial then, and online debates now, the 1955 offer from the Soviets is in fact well-documented, although perhaps not widely known. The angst over these rumours merges history and contemporary politics, with those arguing that such offers existed, and were refused, keen to ram what they consider to be another nail into the coffin of Jawaharlal Nehru’s reputation, India’s sometime socialist and avowedly secular first Prime Minister, who it is argued, in his idealism, failed to secure India’s national interest. However, new evidence of an even earlier offer