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  KOREAN WAR BETTER ALTERNATIVE?? IMAGE:↥↥🠕  🠅🠅ACKNOWLEDGED    BACKGROUND: This is perhaps a 'Forgotten War'. Around 2.5 million Civilian   were the casualties of the first war in Cold War era. Origins however can be traced back to the start of World War II, when Korea was a Japanese colony. After surrender of Japan, at the end of WWII, the Soviet Union and the US divided Korea into two occupation zones at the 38th parallel. The area north of the 38th Parallel, fell under Soviet control, whilst the region to the south came under US influence. China became caretaker of North Korea—since they had a common border. Some of the causes of the war include:  Soviet expansion: Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe alarmed US leaders.  Strategic importance: President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his advisors recognized the importance of Korea for peace in Asia.  The 38th Parallel divided the Korean Peninsula in
  OPERATION SEARCHLIGHT--1971 LIBERATION OF EAST PAKISTAN BIRTH OF BANGALDESH HINDU GENOCIDE IN EAST PAKISTAN, AND BANGLADESH SARASIJ MAJUMDER THE DISCONTENT : 1. 0 From the first day, Elite Punjabi Muslim dominant West Pakistan treated East Pakistan as their Colony, looked down upon the Bengali speaking Muslims of East Pakistan and was exploiting them economically as a supplier of Food, and Raw Materials. West Pakistan prospered. 2.0 On 21st February 1952, at the University of Dhaka, the Pakistani police force opened fire and killed dozens of Bengali students and political activists who were protesting for state recognition of their mother tongue, Bangla, also known as Bengali. 21 February was declared to be International Mother Language Day by UNESCO on 17 November 1999. It has been observed throughout the world since 21 February 2000. The declaration came up in tribute to the Language Movement done by the Bangladeshis (then the East Pakistanis). 3.0 That incident,
  THE BATTLE OF KHANWA: 1527 BABUR VS. SANGRAM SINGHA ANOTHER CASE OF A HINDU BETRAYAL SARASIJ MAJUMDER Babur gained a TOE HOLD, by winning First Battle of Panipat , where decision itself was contentious; but decisive win in KHANWA CEMENTED HIS POSITION IN INDIA. Rajput resistance got decimated for at least one and a half generation. It’s a surprise that in   school curriculum of History books of India, this very important   battle has not found its proper place. The Battle of Khanwa was a decisive engagement between the Mughal forces under Babur and the Rajput alliance under Rana Sanga (SANGRAM SINGHA) of Mewar. The battle was fought on 16 March 1527. It ended in a decisive victory for the Mughal forces and would consolidate  Babur  and    paved the way for his descendants to rule of INDIA   for centuries to come. BACKGROUND OF THE BATTLE OF KHANWA Babur had embarked on a campaign of conquest to fulfil the legacy of his ancestor, Timur. Up until 1524, he was aiming to
  1965 War, The Great PM OF INDIA And An Incompetent   Army Head SARASIJ MAJUMDER Pakistani General Ayyub Khan said “ Hindu morale would not stand more than a couple of hard blows at the right time and place.” After 1 month 2 weeks and 5 days of fighting , Pakistan’s dream of capturing Kashmir from India was crushed to dust. From invading Kashmir , they were forced to defend Lahore and Sialkot with tail in between legs. And desperately was seeking USA’s intervention to pressurize India to stop the war. And USA complied , asked USSR to use it’s good office with India for a CEASEFIRE. India generously agreed to the ceasefire after repeated pleas from the major powers, at a time when it was crushing Pakistan. At that time Indian Army chief was General Jayanta Nath Chaudhuri—commonly known as MUCHCHU CHAUDHURI . The Kolkata-born general came from an affluent background and had become army chief purely on the back of family connections and pure luck. Predictably he lacked war figh
  ACCIDENTAL HONOUR TO ZHUKOV   BY STALIN SARASIJ MAJUMDER An interesting, but hilarious incident occurred after World War—II. Who would take the Victory Parade in Moscow, June 1945? After Nazi Germany had officially surrendered, Stalin summoned Marshal Zhukov to his Dacha and told him to take the Victory Parade about to be held at Red Square. Zhukov, not sure if Stalin really meant it or if he was just testing him, cautiously replied that since Stalin had made the greatest contribution to the victory, he should take the parade. However, Stalin insisted that Zhukov should do it; he even let Zhukov ride his favourite Arab stallion (as per Soviet tradition, a victory parade must be taken on horseback). The next day when Zhukov arrived at the parade rehearsal, he met Stalin’s son Vasily who leaked him a big secret: actually, Stalin had been preparing for weeks to take the parade on horseback. However, a few days before, he had fallen from the horse, suffered some quite serious i