
Showing posts with the label POLITICS


  CHACHA KAHINI A STRONG ARMED FORCES WASTED. A medallion too far. SARASIJ MAJUMDER The funniest thing is--- Chacha was not to do much! Only Prioritize. Our bad luck that we didn’t get BOSE as P.M., who understood the importance of a strong ARMED FORCE, required for a budding nation, surrounded by small countries, and to face CHINA, and Pakistan. GEO-POLITICALLY, and from MILITERY INTELLIGENCE point of view— Nehru was just pretty ordinary, and NAIVE( and that is what Stalin also thought of him) but politically he was an air bag with very high ambition. When the British left the country, India inherited the most powerful army in the continent. A battle hardened force that had tested its blade successfully against the best in the world,. Strength of the Indian Army in August 1947 was 4,00,000 men along with 6 GORKHA REGIMENTS. But the political leadership was keen to reduce the strength to save defence expenditure and hence it was decided to bring   down the strength of the Army t


  BJP FAILED TO REFORM Collateral Damage In Coalition Government FIRST MAJOR DISCORD IN QUALITION GOVERNMENT SARASIJ MAJUMDER Background: Britishers introduced INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE system to rule and govern the country for their EXPLOITATION. Initially, only BRITISHERS were inducted. However—even with good pay, and Luxurious Life Britishers were not very keen to take up this job. Brilliant Indians were getting inducted. The Indian ICS used to consider themselves a different, and higher class than you and me. However, they were very loyal to their EMPLOYERS! After independence, the ICS cover is replaced by IAS cover—but the officers retained their “HIGH NOSE” identity, and remain loyal to the new political masters! Britishers are replaced by Indian Ministers as MASTERS. To my experience and knowledge—they seldom served ‘people’ like you or me or Country. And they consume very high amount of Tax payers’ money! It is known as   infamous “INDIAN BUREAUCRACY”, or “BABU CUL


  CATCHING THE WILD PIG AN ANALOGY :INDIAN DEMOCRACY SARASIJ MAJUMDER   "Remove one freedom per generation. Soon you will have no freedom left and no one would have even noticed.”   I don’t remember who said it. May be Stalin, or Hitler—but that doesn’t matter. Read the story below:  Teacher (T):"Do you know how to catch wild Pigs ?" The students (S) thought it was a joke and waited.  The  teacher  said that it was no joke at all.   Teacher continued:-   "You catch wild Pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting Corn on the ground. The Wild Pigs find the Corn and begin to come every day to eat the Free food.   When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence on one side of the place where they are used to coming regularly.   At first, the Wild Pigs are scared, but when they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.   They get used to that and start to eat again. You c


  NEPO KIDS IN INDIAN POLITICS SARASIJ MAJUMDER   Nepo Kid , is short for nepotism kid, is a term referring to people whose parents have succeeded in similar or related careers, and Son/Daughter/ Very close relative inherited the position.. The implication is that, because their parents already had connections to one or more specific industries, or professions,   the child was able to use those connections to build a career in those industries, or Professions. NEPO KIDS IN POLITICS ARE PRODUCED, WHEN NEPOTISM IS PRACTICED IN FAMILY OF POLITICAL LEADERS OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE, AND THEY  INHERIT CONTROL.    It is against principle of DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL SYSTEM. It’s not wrong for a doctor’s son to become a doctor or a politician’s son to become a politician, but becoming a party chief and CM, or PM   candidate without any   credible, serious effort, apprenticeship,  and Grass-Root experience,   is pure nepotism. It is. And it is our misfortune that Indian Electorate don't rej
  FARMERS’ PROTESTS||CAA-NRC A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS W.R.T. RECENT BANGLADESH MOVEMENT SARASIJ MAJUMDER USA and it’s alleys scripted earlier a similar text to remove MODI-BJP—NDA, and launched FARMERS’AGITATION, CAA, NRC   agitation, at different parts of INDIA, and both, TMC, and Farmers gave a call—“DELHI CHOLO”. Khalistanis Joined. AAP, INC, other Oppositions, Paid Media, URBAN NAXALS, LUTEN’s GANG, Secularists, Le- Liberendoos… all provided support behind it. A part of purchased social media also played a BIG ROLE. The purchased ECO SYSTEM, all applied full force---- “PURA TAGAT LAGAYA THA”. BUT IT FAILED. The aim, and script was the  old text ,   “ TO CREATE ARAB SPRING” in INDIA,   which have many social, cultural, and linguistic fault lines. The experiment succeeded in Bangladesh, later. But there were few differences, due to which the script failed in INDIA:- 1.0 A lot many Indians are MUCH MORE  MATURED, not have cheap emotions, and well educated “SANATANII”. Th
  BENGAL CONUNDRUM 1977-2011 PART—I/ CPI (M) SARASIJ MAJUMDER The Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI(M)] won and ruled West Bengal for continuous thirty-four years primarily due to a combination of strategic political moves, strong organizational structure, and various socio-economic factors. The CPI(M) came to power in West Bengal in 1977 and held onto power until 2011. Here are some key factors that contributed to their prolonged rule: Land Reforms: The CPI(M) government under Chief Minister Jyoti Basu , and particularly from the dedicated effort of Mr. Hare Krishna KONGAR, implemented significant land reforms that aimed to redistribute land from large landowners to landless peasants. This policy resonated with the rural population and garnered support from the agrarian communities, for more than one generation.. Peasant Movements: The CPI(M) had strong ties to peasant and agricultural labour movements, particularly in rural ar
  BJD FORMED SHADOW CABINET BJP SHOULD BE CAUTIOUS IN ORISSA SARASIJ MAJUMDER   Mr. Patnaik has assigned various departments to 50 party MLAs to mirror or shadow the positions held by members of the Cabinet to hold the relatively inexperienced Mohan Manjhi-led BJP government accountable. It is the first time that a party has taken such a step at the state level formally. This   could be seen as a lesson in politics for the rival INDIA opposition bloc in Lok Sabha. In WESTMINISTER system, The Shadow Cabinet is made up of frontbench MPs and Members of the Lords from the second largest party, or official Opposition party.   Shadow cabinet will  AUDIT decisions taken, and  work done by the inaugural Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in ORISSA. The opposition BJD assigned 50 of its 51 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) to various departments of the government to form this shadow government , a move akin to Britain’s Westminster system. Mr. Patnaik is doing the real jo
  BY-ELECTION IN UP. INDIA TV POLL RESULT ON UTTAR PRADESH. SARASIJ MAJUMDER   In the Lok Sabha elections 2024, 43 out of 80 seats in the state went to the account of India Alliance. At the same time, BJP and its allies won only 36 seats. One seat went to the account of others. It was a DEBACLE. In this recently concluded general elections, the results for the saffron party in this major state were not the desired ones and raised questions on the functioning of the government under the leadership of Chief Minister  Yogi Adityanath .  The Dy. C.M. ,   having the high aspiration, met MODI-SHAH and tried his best to blame present C.M. of U.P. He is actually sabotaging the party, with an aim to sabotage YOGI. Why BJP think tank tolerating him –is a big question. I conclude MODI-SHAH can’t   have any use of that creature. However—the election debacle in U.P. is largely attributable to faulty election planning of MODI-SHAH—but YOGI is silently blamed!! After Lok Sabha elections
  OPEN LETTER   TO P.M. A PAINED APPEAL FROM A COMMITTED PARTY MEMBER SARASIJ MAJUMDER Respected Mr. PM, A belated regardful congratulations on addressing Parliament as P.M. consecutively, for the third time. I wanted this to happen. But, this is not   the time to celebrate, at least for me. This is time to introspect. With your permission, I like to speak something—which I listed below. 1. In 2014, you said I am not the Prime Minister, I am the Prime Servant. The countrymen gave you a hearty welcome, BJP won,   and you saved the country from economic disaster. Made economic reforms, mainly. 2. Five years passed, and   in 2019 you said that I am the Chowkidar of the country. You   carried out Surgical Strike to contain Terrorism across the Western Border. The people of the country blessed you more than before. BJP alone crossed 300. Vote share increased by 6%. And in this second term, you did many more unprecedented works in the interest of the country.   Your fame and