
Showing posts with the label HUMOUR
  KOUN BONEGA MILLIONARE A REALTY SHOW SARASIJ MAJUMDER   Last question for 1 Million US $   is here on your screen... Spoke aloud Mr. Voros conducting a Realty show in ABC Telecasting Corporation. πŸ‘‰ VOROS:- What is the religion of Raul NAINO? Your options are:-- A- Hindu    B- Muslim    C- Buddhist     D- Christian πŸ€” Participant- Sir, I don't know.I would like to use lifeline. πŸ‘‰ VOROS -   You have played very amazingly well, all your four life lines are alive till now..., which life line would you like to take? πŸ€” Participant- Audience Poll. πŸ‘‰VOROS - Computer ji, this should be marked, Audience!    Ladies, and Gentlemen; Boys, and Girls--your turn has come and your time starts now... Vote for the option. (After the opinion poll---) Ohhh.. MY GOSH!!.....this is a big mess; Audience is also totally confused. A ,B, C, D-- each   option has got 25%,  equal votes, what will you do now? πŸ€” Participant- Sir, I would like to take the second lifeline 50-50.
  A Dialogue: Raul Vinci, and a HINDU SARASIJ MAJUMDER Location : Hotel Italiano,   BUSINESS SUITE, Milano, Italy. HINDU (H) : Jai Shree Ram. How are you? RAUL VINCI (RV) : Hail Secularism. What you want? H : Okay,   so let’s start with secularism. What do you understand   by SECULARISM? RV :- ISLAM, and MUSLIMS are to be protected in Secular India. H : What do you want to say about lynchings? RV : Number of lynching are increasing in India under Modi’s government. H : But the records of MHA shows that number of recorded cases of communal enmity were more in 70 years of Congress regime than the BJP’s period. RV : Don’t tell me about    MHA and all the data. I studied in Harvard. Akhlaq and Tabrez and uncountable Muslims became victim. H : IS IT?? can you tell me some Hindu names too, who are LYNCHED?? RV : No… what is Hindu? What is HINDU NAME?? H : Let me tell you some. Ankit Saxena and Pankaj Narang and around 20 more which became victim of another community