A Dialogue: Raul Vinci, and a HINDU


Location : Hotel Italiano,  BUSINESS SUITE, Milano, Italy.

HINDU (H) : Jai Shree Ram. How are you?

RAUL VINCI (RV) : Hail Secularism. What you want?

H : Okay,  so let’s start with secularism. What do you understand  by SECULARISM?

RV :- ISLAM, and MUSLIMS are to be protected in Secular India.

H : What do you want to say about lynchings?

RV : Number of lynching are increasing in India under Modi’s government.

H : But the records of MHA shows that number of recorded cases of communal enmity were more in 70 years of Congress regime than the BJP’s period.

RV : Don’t tell me about  MHA and all the data. I studied in Harvard. Akhlaq and Tabrez and uncountable Muslims became victim.

H : IS IT?? can you tell me some Hindu names too, who are LYNCHED??

RV : No… what is Hindu? What is HINDU NAME??

H : Let me tell you some. Ankit Saxena and Pankaj Narang and around 20 more which became victim of another community by LYNCHING.

RV : But you know BROTHER, I am a secular so I can’t speak about Hindus.

H : Okay let’s leave it. Tell me about CAA.

RV : It is the cruelest act I have ever seen in my life. It is against secularism. It will throw Muslims out of India.

H : Have you read CAA? It says it will give Indian Citizenship to persecuted minorities from Islamic republics. It has nothing to do with Indian Muslims.

RV : Don’t teach me. I studied in Harvard.

H : HAVE YOU?? Now  tell me why you all came for candle march in Asifa’s case. You all tried to politicize the case for your purpose but was silent on the case of 2.5 years old Twinkle.

RV : You know we have to do it for secularism. You can’t understand all this. I studied in Harvard university and You studied in WhatsApp university. See the difference,  bro.

H : Why did your party start supporting the Ram Mandir construction after the Supreme Court decision came into being?

RV : Because we want to show that we care for Hindus also.

H : Even after performing  Bharat JODO YATRA by you,, why Congress Lost election in three States recently?

RV : EVM hacking, and manipulation by MODI. He has super Natural Power.

H : Okay, another question. Most of the other minorities like Jain, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist they all support Narendra Modi except one minority. Then Why do you keep saying that minorities are in danger? And deliver such biased lectures abroad??

RV : What? Jains, Sikhs, Buddhist etc are they minorities? Don’t lie. I studied in Harvard. Only Muslims are minorities in India.

H:- Will NAYA YATRA work for CONGRESS? Ram Mandir is taking all the prime time.

RV:--  I am a SECULAR, BRO.. Once I complete the YATRA, world will see.

H : NOW, this is the last question. What is the your message for Indian Youth?

RV : Let me think.

(Kept thinking for 5 minutes.)

H : Are you there?

RV : Yes, Okay here is my message.

“Look at the world not from your position but look at the world from your position.”

H : What does that mean?

In between this Antonia  Maino pops in and screamed—Stop Child Abuse. I will sue you as per IPC- 1111”


Disclaimer :-- The entire dialogues are imaginary, and for generating FUN. Any similarity between names and characters are accidental. The author is in no way responsible for causing  any defamation to anybody, or some such thing.

The image, collected from internet, and attached has no significance.


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