IMAGE:↥↥🠕 https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/25-photographs-of-the-korean-war  🠅🠅ACKNOWLEDGED   


This is perhaps a 'Forgotten War'. Around 2.5 million Civilian  were the casualties of the first war in Cold War era.

Origins however can be traced back to the start of World War II, when Korea was a Japanese colony. After surrender of Japan, at the end of WWII, the Soviet Union and the US divided Korea into two occupation zones at the 38th parallel. The area north of the 38th Parallel, fell under Soviet control, whilst the region to the south came under US influence. China became caretaker of North Korea—since they had a common border.

Some of the causes of the war include: 

Soviet expansion: Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe alarmed US leaders. 

Strategic importance: President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his advisors recognized the importance of Korea for peace in Asia. 

The 38th Parallel divided the Korean Peninsula in half. A North Korean army crossed the 38th Parallel on 25 June 1950 and swiftly advanced towards south.

The United Nations sent an international force, led by the Americans, to check and fight the advancing North Korean Army.

Substantial numbers of military personnel from 16 UN nations– including the US, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Canada – fought as part of the UN Force. It is unknown exactly how many people lost their lives during this conflict, the first military action of the Cold War.

Both, Russia, and China are considered behind this adventurism.


Truman initially ordered MacArthur to go to Korea , taking charge of UNO’s Force.  . General Douglas MacArthur's performance during the Korean War is still debated, but there are arguments on both sides regarding his initial success and subsequent failure. Was It Possible To Merge Both Korea? Let Us Review.

Successes And Strengths Of MacArthur:

1.      Successful Incheon landing. MacArthur's surprised North Koreans by amphibious landing at Incheon, which  was a daring and decisive victory that helped turn the tide of the war in the UNO's favour. It led to the recapture of Seoul and stabilization of the Pusan perimeter. It Demonstrated Macarthur's Skill As A Military Commander And Strategist.

2.      Pushed, and caused North Korea's collapse. MacArthur's subsequent daring strike north of the 38th parallel led to the near-total collapse of North Korea's forces. He achieved a rapid victory, liberation of North Korea and potential unification of Korea under UNO’s auspices. This early success did validate his aggressive strategy.

3.      Stopped further communist advance. MacArthur helped stop North Korea's initial aggression and advance of communism. His leadership helped place Western forces in position to prevent complete conquest of South Korea by North Korean/Chinese forces. Without his command, the outcome may have been total defeat. The West maintained a bulwark against communism.

4.     Experienced and successful commander. MacArthur was an experienced, respected and accomplished commander, having led forces to victory in World War 1, World War II (as supreme commander of Allied forces in the Pacific) and now the initial phase of the Korean War. He was seen as a capable strategist and leader, with an impressive record of success against enemies of Western/US democracy.

Weaknesses, Failures And Criticism:

1.      Overly aggressive and got blinded by early victory. MacArthur's rapid advance North to the Yalu river led lead to collision with massive Chinese forces, suffering defeat and lead to retreat. North Korean, and Chinese force was threatening to capture Seol! His actions were seen as reckless overreach, exceeding limits and provoking unnecessary war with China. Critics saw his claims of a "successor to Napoleon" as dangerously exaggerated.

2.      Defiance and insubordination. MacArthur openly defied and disagreed with Truman's policy limits on the war, advocating for expansion against China that scared the possibility of nuclear war. His public defiance and attempts to provoke broader war revealed insubordination, endangering strategy through ego and ambition. This Led To His Dismissal As Commander.

3.      Commitment to total defeat of communism. Some historians argue MacArthur's commitment to defeating communism led to reckless and excessive actions, convinced that any limit or restraint was allowing the spread of evils. But his "total victory" strategy seemed to threaten wider war and may have led to disaster. Many  Critics saw his extremism was threatening global stability.

4.      Failure to anticipate Chinese intervention. MacArthur was slow or failed to anticipate that China would intervene massively on behalf of its ally North Korea. The surprise assault by hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops led to his forces' collapse and defeat. MacArthur seemed oblivious to China's intentions or capability, displaying poor judgment, intelligence gathering and cunning as a commander.

5.      Unwillingness to develop nuanced strategy. MacArthur seemed unwilling or unable to develop complex strategy with restraint and nuance. His approach was either total victory through force of will and constitutional authority or restraint and limited commitment that reduced the war to "police action". There were few nuanced middle-grounds, leaving his approach open to criticism as reckless or defeatist with little flexibility or wisdom.



President Truman replaced popular General Douglas MacArthur in the Korean War with General Matthew Ridgway in April 1951.

Interestingly, Ridgeway stopped the North Korean and Chinese advance pretty quickly. The war than settled into a stalemate that would last until the ceasefire in 1953.

Only Nuclear intervention  by USA may have united both the Korea, but that certainly would have brought Russia into war with unpredictable results.  And UNO wouldn’t have agreed to that. Even President of USA wouldn’t have risked that.

On July 27, 1953, seven months after President Eisenhower's inauguration as the 34th President of the United States, an armistice was signed, ending organized combat operations and leaving the Korean Peninsula divided much as it had been since the close of World War II at the 38th parallel.



1.0  https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/the-korean-war-101-causes-course-and-conclusion-of-the-conflict/

2.0  https://www.history.com/topics/asian-history/korean-war

3.0  https://www.history.navy.mil/browse-by-topic/wars-conflicts-and-operations/korean-war/korea-operations/korea-origins.html

4.0  https://ciaotest.cc.columbia.edu/journals/ijoks/v14i2/f_0019548_16694.pdf

5.0  https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/topics/korean-war-origins-1945-1950

6.0  https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/research/online-documents/korean-war#:~:text=After%20five%20years%20of%20simmering,from%20the%20non%2Dcommunist%20Republic

7.0  BOOK--"American Caesar Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964," by William Manchester (1978).

8.0  IMAGE:- https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/25-photographs-of-the-korean-war       ACKNOWLEDGED


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