Today, I am going to share the story of the Chuknagar  Hindu genocide when 10, 000 Hindus were killed by the MUSLIMS ( Mlechhas)  in one single day.

Chuknagar is a small town in the Khulna district of Bangladesh, then East Pakistan. Khulna is the third largest town of Bangladesh, after Dhaka and Chittagong, and is located in the south-west corner of the country. Chukanagar is a small town in this district and near border India (Bharat).

Now let me trace your memory to the events in Bangladesh during 1971. Though the Pakistan Army was battling Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan, it was the common Hindus who were bearing the brunt. There wasn't a single day when some Hindu man, woman or child weren't killed, raped, wounded or abducted by the Muslims. East Pakistan was a living hell for Bengali Hindus during 1971.

In May 1971, a rumor spread that INDIA was invading East Pakistan soon. This rumour  instilled fear among the Hindus of that area and many of them started planning to cross the border  over to India.

On May 15, 1971, nearly 10, 000 Hindus assembled in Chuknagar, a border village, hoping to escape the tyranny of the Pakistani Army and the Razakars. Little did these unfortunate souls imagine of the tragedy that was going to unfold upon them.

Soon, a group of 30 Pakistani soldiers appeared in the village. They were carrying Automatic Rifles, and Machine Guns. As soon as they landed in the village, the Pakistanis opened fire on the helpless Hindus. The firing started at 10 a.m. and continued for the next five hours. Nobody was spared, neither women, nor kids. Many Hindus jumped in a nearby river and drowned. It is estimated that the Pakistanis killed 10,000 Hindus on that day.  Dhaka Tribune published that according to the local residents, the Bhadra river turned red because of the blood flowing through its waters. But the Muslims didn't stop here.

Next day, the Razakars killed about 1200 unarmed Hindus in a neighboring village while the latter were walking towards Bharat Border. It is a fact that these Muslims have killed a lot more Hindus in remote villages of East Pakistan, and many sources indicate that the total Hindu casualties in  nearby area was more than one Million. Hindu American foundation says 3 million Hindus were killed by the Muslims in East Pakistan during 1971.

A memorial is constructed there, to commemorate this massacre-- photograph is shared above.

On the contrary, our Indian Army treated those captured Pakistani soldiers with utmost care. We know that 93,457 Pakistani troops surrendered in December 1971, and those monsters were treated well in India.

But the Hindus were butchered, and the criminals escaped punishment.

Source: --Scattered Recorded history in internet, and  1971 newspapers.


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