NOTRE DAME means “..OUR LADY..” in French, and the first Church NOTRE DAME DE PARIS, is constructed in France, and immortalized by Victor Hugo in his novel-”The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL DE BASILICA of Saigon was constructed from 1863 to 1880, and now is the top most Church in hierarchy, at Saigon, and it is a ROMAN CATHOLIC church.

All the building materials used in construction were brought from FRANCE. Total cost was 2.5 MM French Franc, at that time.

At the front of the Cathedral, there is a STATUE of virgin MARY. It was reported that in the year 2005, October, people saw DROPS OF TEARS in the eye of VIRGIN MARY--a huge gathering took place, but the Miracle could not be confirmed photograph of the statue of Virgin Mary, with the Church in the background is UPLOADED.

TWIN BELLTOWERS was added to the Basilica, in 1895, with a HOLY CROSS, erected at the top of each one. It’s Architectural construction is having influence of RENAISSANSE Architecture of ITALY. The original red colour of BRICKS, brought from MARSEILLE , are still visible. 

There is a large prayer Hall, with Virgin Mary, and the walls are having GLASS PANELS, decorated

with the

Coloured paintings of BIBLICAL incidents adorn the wall of BASILICA.

It was partly damaged in SAIGON WAR, but repaired well, and it is probably, Architecturally the best Church in VIETNAM.

You can refer”” for more detailed information..

NOTE:-- 1.0 Photograph--- Taken by me. 2.0 I Visited the place in 2016 .3.0  Information collected from Church Library.


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