Dr Dilip Mahalanabis



Dr Dilip Mahalanabis, who pioneered Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) treatment as a simple, effective remedy for dehydration has passed away in October-2022 in KOLKATA.

1.      ORS, a combination of water, glucose, and salts, is a simple and cost-effective method of preventing dehydration.

2.      It is an alternative to intravenous rehydration therapy for preventing and treating dehydration from diarrhoea when intravenous therapy is not available or feasible.

3.      Oral rehydration therapy is calculated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to have saved the lives of over 60 million persons.

4.      Born on 12th November, 1934 in West Bengal, Dr Mahalanabis studied in Kolkata and London, and joined the Johns Hopkins University International Centre for Medical Research and Training in Kolkata in the 1960s, where he carried out research in oral rehydration therapy. That is where he developed ORS.

5.      Dr Mahalanabis was working in overflowing refugee camps during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war when he got chance to use ORS as a LIFE SAVING MEASURE.

6.      In the Refugee Camp, there was outbreak of Cholera, and IV Fluid was running short.

7.      Dr Mahalanabis started ORS, which was viewed sceptically—but it brought down to Death rate from 30% to below 3%.

8.      From 1975 to 1979, Dr Mahalanabis worked in cholera control for WHO in Afghanistan, Egypt and Yemen.

9.      In the mid-1980s and early 1990s, he was a medical officer in the Diarrheal Disease Control Programme of the WHO.

10.  In 1994, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

11.  In 2002, Dr. Mahalanabis was awarded the first Pollin Prize in Paediatric Research for their contributions to the discovery and implementation of oral rehydration therapy.

12.  In 2006, he was awarded the Prince Mahidol Prize, for his role in the development and application of oral rehydration therapy.



2.0  Hopkins Institute-- Journal

3.0  https://theprint.in/opinion/when-celebrating-50-yrs-of-1971-war-dont-forget-this-life-saving-sachet-and-bengali-doctor/611718/

4.0 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2351672/The-Indian-scientist-saved-world-Out-devastating-war-came-solution-revolutionised-treatment-international-diseases.html


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