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In a poem
titled ‘বিদায় অভিশাপ’—(FAREWELL CURSE)--, Tagore wrote:
........রমণীর মন
সহস্র বর্ষেরই
সখা সাধনার ধন ।।
[ (To understand) Mind of a woman, my dear, ||You need a devotion of
thousand years.]—- Translation is mine.
In simple language—‘One Life is not good enough to understand the mind of a
Woman’—that is what, Devyani—the heroine of the poem said to Koch, her beloved. And I agree
after completing 46 years of married life!
However, based on my experience—I wanted to write an article on the subject,
sharing my understanding for Romeos of future generations.
This BLOG is an attempt towards that.
Before I start—I want to share an interesting dialogue I had in an evening,
with one of my American friend, ( married, and was living with wife and kids,) at
his Ranch at Texas. When the darkness of evening started falling upon us, he
told me:
“….Mate—I understand Machines, Horses, Dogs… you know, but I don’t
understand Woman…” his voice having a tinge of sadness,—I nodded, and silently sipped the Whiskey.
No matter how old a woman gets, she always keeps a childlike
side. Wants to appear young for ever—mentally, and physically.
Attention makes her happy, but neglect brings her to tears.
Never try to suppress a woman, because her rebellion is very
powerful, and may be catastrophic even!.
A woman is like soft and young branch of Willow Tree, bends
gracefully in the breeze of kindness.
For the one who understands her, she’s easy to deal with.
For the one who opposes her, she’s an unsolvable puzzle.
If you want her to love you, take care of her.
If you want her to stay with you, respect her wishes to the extent you can
Shakespeare said: “Arguing with an angry woman is like
trying to turn the pages of a newspaper during a storm. Just embrace her, and
she will calm down on her own!”
A man who doesn’t forgive a woman’s small mistakes can never
understand her greatest virtues.
A woman wants to live under the shade of a man, not under
the weight of his domination.
As per old testament, a woman was made from a rib near the
heart, filled with love, gentleness, and compassion. This Gospel seems to be
Women often feel that being with men restores, and enhances
their self-esteem, even if they don't realize it, and less—accept, and confess
Body language is powerful and helps women gauge your
Every woman has experienced her first love, and giving her
heart away can be painful.
Despite seeming, or being mature, women also want the man who embraces
her playful side.
Women get frustrated when men don’t open up emotionally, but
most women also will hide their own feelings. You should be able to read her undisclosed
mind. Sigmund Freud knew a thing, or two in this area.
And there is a method in that madness!
Women may find a man’s post-workout sweat attractive. There was an experiment to prove that.
Biologically, a healthy Man’s sweat after workout, likely to have traces of Male Hormone.
Direct eye contact is important for her.
Younger women are braver, and may not hide their past as much as an older
Women often will check your social media, even if they won’t
admit it. They will want to be a ‘Friend’ in your FB account, and try to be a
part of most of your WA GROUPS.
Women love talking and sharing their thoughts, but even if
they stay quiet, they are emotional and passionate.
Women’s restrooms are like private spaces for them, avoid trespassing.
Women appreciate playful teasing, especially in a light-hearted,
goofy way.
When a woman is sad, she doesn’t need solutions, she needs just
comfort and understanding.
80% of women use silence as a way to express their pain.
Women take approximately a fortnight to fall in love,
whereas men may take as little as 10 seconds !!
Women take longer to make decisions, but once decided, they
are more likely to remain firm in their choices. I think—that is because their
decisions has an emotional component.
Girls are naturally born with a superior sense of intuition.
Honour that. And all women are borne detectives.
Women are more prone to depression, often blaming themselves
for negative situations, but not accepting that.
Women excel at multitasking due to higher brain
connectivity. This make them cook bad meals occasionally.
Females are generally more empathetic, often stepping into
others’ shoes intentionally, to understand their emotions.
Women remember emotional experiences more vividly compared
to men.
Females possess a stronger sense of smell and taste buds
than men. As a TEA or Wine testers, they are far better.
If a woman’s mind fades, her family will have to deal with
some real problems.
True love is loving her despite her flaws, not because of
her perfections.
Women are attracted to Boldness and confidence, not kindness alone. Being overly
nice or showing too much interest in a woman will often backfire and mostly lead
to rejection.
Women biologically
despise weakness in men. When you cry in front of a woman it triggers her brain
to see you as an unfit partner for her and her offspring.
Women are hypergamous. This means a woman typically looks
for a man who is physically stronger, earns more money, and has better
leadership qualities. This is a BIOLOGICAL TRAIT. In other words—they like intelligent, and strong α Male.
Women test men to determine if they are worth committing to.
Sadly, most guys aren’t even aware of these tests and frequently fail them
because they don't understand what's going on.
Women don’t want equality in dating and relationships. Even
when they earn more than you they still expect you to pay the lion’s share of
the bills, if not the Complete Bill.
Women can smell a fake nice guy from a mile away and often put
a ‘LAKSHMAN REKHA’ for them while going out with a relatively rough person who
displays masculine traits.
If you let a woman disrespect you once, you've opened the
door for her to keep disrespecting you in the future also.
Women have a disconcerting ability to rationalize their own
bad and wrong behaviour or acts and
blame men for their own problems. Understanding this can help men avoid being
caught in manipulative or toxic relationships.
The above are statistically correct. Exceptions will be
Acknowledgement:-- I am grateful to all women, who came in
my life, and particularly to my wife.
Disclaimer:-- The content of this BLOG is written honestly,
based on personal understanding, and experience; and there is no intent to
disrespect anybody. I tender my apology in advance, if any of my writing hurts
anybody. And this is a non-commercial BLOG.
Image:-- Google. The ownership is acknowledged.
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