Qatar is well known for its terror financing. Arab nations once had barred Qatar from OIC for 4 years for allegedly, supporting Yemeni terror outfits. Saudis & Qatar have conflicts for regional influence and terror financing issues. But USA mediated and peace between QATAR, and SAUDI is reached some time ago.

Qatar is not on the FATF list, because of its alliance with the US. India now may try for inclusion of QATAR in that list.

The US supports Qatar for a favour QATAR has done to USA  in 90s. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, Qatar allowed the US troops land on its soil and provided ground support to the US. Qatar, thus has developed deep economic and military relations with the US.

Qatar is misusing this alliance, and  funding terrorism.

It's alleged that Qatar had funded Taliban. Even today it's believed that Qatar is sponsoring ISIS-K & Al-Qaeda. Hamas are sponsored by Qatar. You can see Hamas leaders taking a de tour between Türkiye & Qatar.

A terror sponsoring nation is more dangerous than a terror nation. A terror nation can find an end; it's very difficult to end terror sponsoring nation.

It's not very long the home-grown snakes or terrorists may bite the home owner itself. It is happening in Pakistan.

Now, Qatar has given death sentence to 8 Indian Navy Veterans on alleged espionage activities. Nobody knows how true it's ! Qatar is known for its hostility towards India. Qatar has deep relations with the terror exporting  nation Pakistan. Qatar has always been vocal on the Kashmir issue. Reed my BLOG on this listed below.


One needs to deeply study foreign relations before getting immigrated to any country. It's always better to avoid immigration to the hostile nations.

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