Congress leader Rajeev Shukla had said that if Narendra Modi was not the Prime Minister then America would never have invited him....!!

Honorable Shukla Ji and Congressmen, now I will further extend this "WHAT-IF"…

1) If Rahul Gandhi was not Sonia's son, he would have been a peon in some office today,  whether in UK, India, or Italy, is debatable. Remember- Sonia advised him not give Blood to test and confirm DNA of Rajiv’s remains ...!!

2) If Sonia was not Rajiv's wife, she would have retired as a  bar maid from some bar in Europe...!!

3) If Rajiv was not Indira Gandhi's son, he might have at best  retired someday as a "pilot" of some Airlines...!!

4) If Indira Gandhi had not been Nehru's daughter, she still might have died natural death as an widow—No Emergency happened. No SIKH genocide. No Bhindranwala, and perhaps no Khalistan…BANGLADESH?? That needs a separate BLOG.

5) If Mohandas wouldn’t have been kicked out of a First Class Compartment of a train and thrown  on a platform with luggage in South Africa by a European, in a cold winter night, our NEMESIS   BAPUJI  wouldn’t have born.

6) If “BAPU’ not there,  both, Mohandas, and Nathuram Godse would have died a natural death, and “BRAHMIN GENOCIDE’  caused by BAPU’s non-violence brigade, wouldn’t happened in Bombay, Puna, and at other places of Maharashtra.

6) If Bapuji + Nehru in alliance with Jinnah had not betrayed the people of India under advise of Lord Mountbatten in greed of  power, today AKHAND BHARAT  may have been the REALITY....!! Our first P.M. may  have been Subhas!

7) “If Nehru had not dishonestly become the Prime Minister under Bapu’s manipulation, in place of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel”, then China would not have taken AKSAI CHIN, POK would not have  born, and Tibet may still remain  independent...!!

8) And “IF” JLN would not have been P.M., he would have still  died as a widower, and  DEBONAIR, may be due to same illness ….

9) And "if" this JLN was not there as P.M., then this Corrupt Gandhi family would not have controlled INDIA for  50+ years,  the whole country would not have been ruined due to nepotism, and Muslim appeasement causing  communal violence by falling into the clutches of this DYNASTY of traitors and scamsters. Rather, India may have been the leader of Asia, …may be behind AMERICA.

10) And if Congress wouldn’t have been there, what you would have been—Rajeev Shukla ji?? I don’t want to speculate…..

And last, but not the least, Rajeev Shukla ji....

“If Narendra Modi is not the Prime Minister of India, then there may have been no other Prime Minister of India who would have picked INDIA up from the SHIT POT of UPA in 2014...


Reference:- Rajeev Shukla’s statement:-- TOI

Image:- GOOGLE-- edited

Disclaimer:-- No person, alive, or dead is insulted, or dis-respect shown--- and there is, or was  no such intention. It is an imaginary prediction on future of some Indian Political characters,  dead, or alive, and INDIA . 


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