Respected Mr. PM,

A belated regardful congratulations on addressing Parliament as P.M. consecutively, for the third time. I wanted this to happen.

But, this is not  the time to celebrate, at least for me. This is time to introspect. With your permission, I like to speak something—which I listed below.

1. In 2014, you said I am not the Prime Minister, I am the Prime Servant. The countrymen gave you a hearty welcome, BJP won,  and you saved the country from economic disaster. Made economic reforms, mainly.

2. Five years passed, and  in 2019 you said that I am the Chowkidar of the country. You  carried out Surgical Strike to contain Terrorism across the Western Border. The people of the country blessed you more than before. BJP alone crossed 300. Vote share increased by 6%.

And in this second term, you did many more unprecedented works in the interest of the country.  Your fame and name increased a lot in the world.  India was recognized as an  world super power. We were very happy.

3. There were still a lot of trouble. You kept trying to win the trust of the Jihadi community whose trust Prithviraj Chauhan could not win, and paid by LIFE.  History is witness.  IN TEN YEARS, YOU MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN THE MIDDLE CLASS HINDUS.  You may even  forget that Senior Citizen also are Indians, retired,  and many of them also have voted BJP, some with, and some  without any expectations. 

4. The rich do not need to ask for anything, they CAN TAKE IT ; you are giving ration, LPG,  and houses to the poor,  And you have  experimented with MUSLIM VOTERS…

5 . You yourself had said that you want to give Muslims  Quran in one hand and Computer in the other. Mr PM—QURAN can’t coexist with Computer.  ISLAM  didn’t  and  couldn’t come out of 627 A.D. And  what should you give  Hindus  in their hands?? Mr. PM?? HINDU RASHTRA NOW SEEMS TO BE A DREAM ONLY!!

And you experimented with PASMINDA MUSLIMS also. You have raised the living  standard of them, for the first time after 1947. Thanks for that.  But—they didn’t vote for you, and not voted for  your ,  our BJP..

6. The core middle class HINDU voters kept getting sad, even deprived – still  kept quiet. Some of your people were saddened by your decisions, yet they stood with you with sadness, and when  the time for election came, you raise the slogan of psychological narrative to cross 370/ 400 this time.

7. Some of your saddened  voters did not come out to cast vote  at all. They felt betrayed. Think of Faizabad, Varanasi—where poor people lost their means of livelihood to the economically more powerful segment. Lavish BAJRA replaced Boats in Ganges of Varanasi. Some people lost their livelihood, as no alternate arrangement was made for them. Your vote share got reduced by 0.8%.

8. Your decisions  put decimated Congress, Rahul Gandhi, and the opposition back  on the road to Parliament. Today Rahul Gandhi's stature has become so HIGH that he   is now Lambasting Hindus, Hindu Civilization,  and Hinduism, standing  in parliament, in front of you-P.M., HM, and  SPEAKER; in full supports, Claps, and Cheers of the OPPOSITION CABAL..  This didn’t happen even in Congress/ UPA regime!!  What a shame!!!

8. BJP Workers kept dying in Bengal, kept getting beaten and  tortured, kept crying, kept wailing, but despite being a government with full majority and strength, your Government  did nothing. Why didn't GOI removed TMC government from Bengal after 2021, on charge of Post Poll Violences, and completely collapsed LAW  & ORDER situation??

9. CBI, ED, are dragging cases , and could do nothing about corrupt politicians of Bengal, and Delhi.. ME-LORDS are issuing BAILS. You didn’t reformed Judiciary, and removed Collegium—which you could have done on your 2nd term. You had, and  could mobilize the balance needed majority.

10. The old workers kept looking on, and  BJP  kept giving tickets to  DAL DADLOOS-- (Turn Coats). These were the same workers who kept sacrificing their lives and money in the 2014 and 2019 elections. And the DAL BADLOOS ( Turn Coats) mostly didn’t win the seats.

11. We are  thankful that because of good work and because of some awakened Hindus, BJP ++ government could be  formed for the THIRD TIME, albeit,  with some external supports.

In this term of yours, please look at US—please remove and punish  Hindu bashers,  let us work towards having  a HINDU RASHTRA ( NDA don’t have requisite number   now ) ,   a developed, prosperous, and empowered  HINDU BHARABARSHA  that has a strong and robust position on the world map.

"The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf."

With best wishes, Sir,

From your dedicated Hindu voter and a BJP MEMBER.




  1. A well articulated letter. Survival is the watchword. Each one has to support the good cause of every other one in the community and beyond as far as possible to create a fraternity without craving for unearned benefits. Administrative reforms will help so much so that every one in position carries out his duty to others and then the rajya as expected will take shape.

    1. Thanks, Vijay Ji, for your valuable Comment.

  2. Very well sad, action against Nupur Sharma is another disappointment


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